Carrie Holbert
Human Resources Director
Carrie was born and raised in Iowa however moved to Los Angeles, CA to receive her B.A. in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources Management from a University in Los Angeles, California. She has been in Human Resources for 15+ years working in the retail, medical field, government and food & beverage industries before coming on with Absolute. She earned her Senior Professional in Human Resources certification in 2018.
Carrie now lives in Tampa, FL with her husband and three children. She loves traveling, roller coasters and Big 10 college football.
Can you guess which fact about Carrie is false?
- Visits theme parks several times a month.
- Has traveled to 6 continents.
- Loves reality TV-like shows on Bravo and competition shows like Big Brother.
901-737-7336 ext 744 | info@absolutemgmt.com