Facility and Management News

10 Ways Marketing Impacts Your Business

August 29, 2022 in Facility and Management News

As a self-storage facility owner, you’ve got a full plate – between operational tasks, monitoring finances, and answering emails. It’s inevitable that tasks are going to be dropped or initiatives cut. All too often, it’s your facility’s marketing endeavors that get the short stick. But marketing is what attracts customers and generates sales. Without a good marketing strategy, your self-storage company will not be successful. Don’t believe us? Here are ten ways marketing impacts your storage facility.

1. Marketing is the first step in attracting customers.

The customer journey is the process that customers go through when they are considering purchasing a product or service. Marketing plays a key role in this process, as it is responsible for attracting customers and convincing them to buy.

Customer Journey Marketing Funnel

2. It creates awareness about a company and its products or services.

The customer journey begins with the customer becoming aware of the product or service. Marketing must create awareness of the product and make people interested in buying it. Once the customer is aware of the product, they will then start to think about buying it. Marketing must convince the customer that they need the product and that it will solve their problem. The final step of the customer journey is when the customer decides to purchase the product. Marketing must make sure that the buying process is easy and convenient for the customer.

3. It helps to build a brand image for a company and establish authority in your industry.

When it comes to the self-storage industry, one of the most important things you can do is establish yourself as an authority. This means becoming known as a provider of solutions and offering great products and customer service to your community. There are a few ways you can go about doing this:

  • Write articles and blog posts about self-storage topics.
  • Speak at industry events and conferences.
  • Make yourself available for media interviews.
  • Provide helpful content on your website or blog.
  • Participate in social media networks like Twitter and LinkedIn.

By establishing yourself as an authority in the self-storage industry, you’ll earn the trust of your customers and stand out from the competition.

4. Marketing can increase sales and profits for a company.

When it comes to marketing and sales, the two go hand in hand. Marketing is what attracts customers and generates sales. Sales is what converts leads into paying customers. Think of it like a game of darts – Your leads are the dart, your conversions are the bullseye – marketing is the paint that guides the dart to the board. The bigger and brighter that red dot is in the center, the more bullseyes your sales team is going to land.

5. Marketing creates demand for products or services.

One of the most important aspects of marketing is creating demand for products or services. When people are aware of a product or service and there is demand for it, sales will naturally follow. Marketing helps to create that demand by positioning a company’s products or services in the minds of consumers. It can also educate potential customers about the benefits of a product or service and how it can solve their problems.

6. It can increase traffic to both your store and your website.

Online traffic is a key component of any business. Without traffic, there is no way to convert leads into customers. Marketing can help to increase traffic to both your store and your website. By creating compelling content, you can attract more visitors to your site. You can also use marketing to drive traffic to your store by using targeted advertising campaigns, boosting your SEO, and reaching new audiences through social media.

7. It’s necessary for customer retention and loyalty.

Marketing is what builds customer relationships and creates customer loyalty. When customers are loyal to a business, they are more likely to return and make additional purchases. Marketing helps businesses retain their current customers and encourages them to become repeat customers.

10 Ways Marketing Impacts Your Business

8. Marketing can help to expand a company’s reach beyond its current customer base.

Marketing is also what attracts new customers to a business. When businesses have a strong marketing strategy, they are able to reach more potential customers and convert them into paying customers. This is especially important for long-term success; your profits won’t go stagnant or dwindle as your current lead sources are used.

9. It’s an essential part of product or service development.

Marketing helps businesses understand what customers want and need, which is necessary for developing a product that meets those needs. Marketing also helps businesses create a plan for introducing and promoting the new product. In addition, marketing can help to track the success of the product and make necessary adjustments along the way. Ultimately, marketing is critical for ensuring that any new product or service is successful.

10. Marketing keeps your product relevant.

One of the most important aspects of marketing is making sure that your product (storage units) remains relevant to your customers. Relevancy is key for attracting and keeping customers’ attention. You may ask, “How would storage lose its relevancy?” In today’s constantly changing e-commerce environments, it’s becoming easier to fall off the radar with upcoming generations if you’re not actively reaching out to them. Your relevancy is built through the platforms and channels you utilize. Marketing helps you stay ahead of the curve and understand what changes or updates need to be made to your product in order to maintain relevancy.

